
Tech Support
The Tech support group help with problems of the computer-assisted evaluation of data. All students of psychology can benefit from this support as part of their Bachelor's, Master's or Master's thesis.
Please describe your problem briefly in the registration process and estimate the advisory time you expect it to take. Please register only by e-mail! Many Thanks!
Please bring with you the necessary data as well as already made calculations on memory-stick or (alternatively you may also bring your own laptop).
It is advisable to bring relevant documentation (for example, test manuals and questionnaires).
Note: This position is temporarily unavailable, please contact your supervisor or thesis advisor, or:
Dr. rer. nat. Rainer Düsing

Forschungsmethodik, Diagnostik und Evaluation
Tel.: +49 541 969-7734
Raum: 75/228
Fachbereich 8: Humanwissenschaften
Lise-Meitner-Straße 3
49076 Osnabrück
Sprechzeiten: Do 14-15h (in den Semesterferien n.V.)