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Expert Mentoring
Since 2009, the University of Osnabrück has been offering psychology students support in their professional and personal development through its volunteer mentor program. The expert mentoring psychology program (EMOS) paves the way for psychologists in Osnabrück into their later professional life. The program offers:
- Advice and tips from experienced practitioners
- Individual career and work planning
- Early and targeted planning during the studies
- Facilitates networking and Contact building
- Reflection of professional requirements and the students own strengths and weaknesses
In addition, the project strengthens contacts and exchanges between scientists in academia and practitioners. The mentors, mainly alumni of the University of Osnabrück, are given the opportunity to pass on their own experiences and to provide insights into their professional field, maintain contact with the former university and get input and feedback from current research and teaching.
In a total of 230 projects, a total of 230 students have benefited from the "experience" of their "mentors" as mentees. The individual students benefits for the program are confirmed by accompanied post-program evaluations.