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Summer School
The International Summer School brings together a diverse group of students from all over the world, for three weeks. In the program intercultural competences are handled and it offers a series of intercultural teaching courses and an intercultural training.
In addition to the intensive theoretical and practical examination of the respective topic, the participants can directly experience the opportunities and challenges of intercultural encounters in this context. For this interactive process an attractive supporting program with several thematic and cultural excursions is offered.
In addition, the Keynote lectures by the international scholars are open to all interested Osnabrück psychology students, regardless of their participation in the Summer School.
The Summer school takes place annually towards the end of the summer semester in cooperation with the academic foreign office. For Osnabrück psychology students, there is the possibility to attend the Summer School, with a reduced fee.
Dates and further information
The Summer School takes place annually over a period of 2-3 weeks at the end of the summer semester. Information on the application deadline and further information as well as an overview of application dates can be found on the pages of the International Office.
Contact persons for the Summer School:
Kim Kristin Terkuhlen, M. Sc.

Tel.: +49 541 969-7708
Raum: 75/211
Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
Lise-Meitner-Straße 3
49076 Osnabrück
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung