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PhD program
The PhD program in psychology is intended to qualify students for independent, scientific work in university and non-university research institutions as well as in applied areas of work. In particular, the PhD program is meant to train young academics.
A PhD is intended to provide in-depth professional knowledge and methodological skills. In particular the skill of conducting scientific work independently is promoted. In addition to dealing with their own subject-matter, they will be given the opportunity to work with other current research areas and to discuss open research problems.
Furthermore, the PhD is to serve acquiring general key qualifications, e.g. publishing work in English, as well as learning new scientific methodologies. The PhD serves as proof of the ability to conduct in-depth independent scientific work which is demonstrated by a scientific paper (dissertation) and an oral examination (dissertation defense).
PhD in Osnabrück
The doctoral program at the Osnabrück Institute of Psychology is an individually regulated doctoral program. The planned study period for the doctoral program is six semesters. An individualized training program is to be set up for each doctoral student in cooperation with the supervisor at the beginning of the program. Generally, at the beginning of the PhD program, acquiring basic skills such as publication and presentation techniques is in the foreground. In the following semesters, further qualification is to be acquired mutually by peer-teaching. In addition, the doctoral students are to participate regularly in an ongoing colloquium, in which the progress of the dissertations is to be reported and discussed.
Types of doctoral degrees offered
The School of Human Sciences at the University of Osnabrueck awards a doctoral degree of natural sciences (Dr.rer.nat.) or a doctoral degree of philosophy (Dr.phil.) in the field of psychology. A doctoral degree in natural sciences is awarded for dissertations with a focus on natural sciences. A doctoral degree in philosophy is awarded for doctoral degrees with a focus on humanities.
Dates and deadlines
Admission into a doctoral program at the Institute of Psychology is possible at any time, regardless of the semester. The condition necessary for enrollment as a doctoral student is a confirmation from a professor at the University of Osnabrück willing to act as supervisor, as well as the confirmation of the dissertation project by the Chair of the Doctoral Committee.
Contatcs for Questions:
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ursula Stockhorst

Allgemeine Psychologie II und Biologische Psychologie
Tel.: +49 541 969-7660
Raum: 75/266
Institut für Psychologie
Lise-Meitner-Straße 3
49076 Osnabrück
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung
Prof. Dr. Maarten van Zalk

Tel.: +49 541 969-7740
Raum: 75/249
Schlagworte Forschungsexpertise