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After 11 successful years and 497 international students who were accompanied by 245 student and 63 academic mentors at the beginning of their studies, the Intercultural Mentoring of the University of Osnabrück can no longer be offered since May 1, 2020.
Support can be found at the following offices:
For administrative questions regarding your studies, e.g. residence rights, financing and insurance, please contact the International Office
Malte Paolo Benjamins
Phone: +49 541 969-4972
Questions about admission, registration and health insurance:
Registrar’s office
Phone: +49 541 969 7777 (Info-Line)
Questions about German courses:
The Sprachenzentrum offers students at the University of Osnabrück free language courses during their studies. Further information can be found at
Questions about arriving and living in dormitories:
In every dormitory there are tutors as contact persons.
If you have any questions about your studies, family and finances, as well as general problems and difficult life situations, you can contact the Psychosocial Counselling Centre:
Phone: +49(0) 541 969-2580
The Intercultural Mentoring of the Osnabrueck University (Imos) aims at improving the academic study situation of the International students.
The program addresses international students who seek to get their Bachelor's/undergraduate or Master's/graduate degree. Engaged German students and academics (Mentors) support them (Mentees) individually in the process of adaption to the German culture and university system.
The student Mentors gain counselling and intercultural competencies during one semester of training, which they directly apply as they accompany their Mentees through social or study-related challenges.
Additionally, Mentees can get an academic Mentor for subject specific-support in their respective field of studies.
To this day 497 international students were accompanied by 245 student mentors already. For the subject-specific support 63 academic Mentors have engaged in the project so far.
International students can register for the Mentoring program as Mentees, and German students and academics can register as student/academic Mentors. This website offers information about the project.