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Psychology Practical Workshops
The aim of the practice based workshop is to provide Bachelor students and Master students with in-depth insight into various selected practical fields of activity of psychologists in the field of work and organizational psychology. With that the students are to learn about different areas of work of different practitioners in workshops that are held for a two-day period. In addition to the course "Practical events in work and organizational psychology and clinical psychology”, the praxis based workshop offers students an opportunity to explore the topics of work and organizational psychology from a practical perspective and to develop them in the form of interactive workshops. In addition, the event is intended to show students first-hand job prospects, as well as the opportunity to ask questions about the preparation for a corresponding job and, if necessary, aids in establishing initial contacts. The invited practitioners are meant to represent the wide range of tasks in work and organizational psychologists in practice, such as personnel selection and development, work organization, coaching, organizational diagnosis and development, usability, diversity management, as well as market research and marketing.
Examples of topics of the practice based workshop:
- Design-Thinking as an innovative method of product and organizational development
- Professional recruitment with the help of interviews
- Introduction of employee meetings
Dates and deadlines
The practice based workshop usually takes place on selected weekend dates within the semester.
The workshops usually take place in German.
Contact for the workshop is:
Tabea Weil, M. Sc.

Tel.: +49 541 969-4819
Raum: 15/108
Fachbereich 8: Humanwissenschaften
Lise-Meitner-Straße 3
49076 Osnabrück
Sprechzeiten: telefonisch (nach Vereinbarung)