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Bachelor Psychology
- Designation of academic program: Bachelor of Science in Psychology
- Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
- Regular period of study: 6 semesters
- Type of program: basic
- Start of program: winter semester
- Form of study: full-time
- Language of study: German
Students in the bachelor's degree program in psychology acquire sound methodological skills and broad knowledge of the theoretical foundations required for describing, explaining, predicting and shaping human experience and behavior, irrespective of their major. This includes the fundamentals of perceptual and cognitive psychology, learning, emotional and motivational psychology, supplemented by the neurobiological foundations of human experience and behavior, the theoretical foundations of development, and the ability to describe, explain and predict developmental processes. Furthermore, the relevant theories and the current state of research in social and personality psychology and their application to everyday phenomena are taught. Due to the design and structure of the polyvalent bachelor's program, students have the opportunity to become familiar with the various fields of application of psychology before choosing a major.
Applied subjects include:
- Disorders in Psychotherapy: Here, the prevalence, causes and consequences of mental disorders are presented and an overview of the most important disorders is given. Furthermore, relevant theoretical perspectives and basics of diagnostics and classification are addressed.
- General methods of psychotherapy: The mode of action and applicability of scientifically tested and recognized psychotherapeutic procedures and methods are dealt with here.
- Preventive and rehabilitative concepts of psychotherapeutic action: This deals with behavioral and relationship-oriented prevention, intervention and rehabilitation concepts.
- Fundamentals of educational psychology and digital media: This module focuses on actors in education, questions of lesson design, classroom management and social forms of teaching. In addition, theories of educational psychology on the use of digital media in general and on teaching and learning with interactive media are taught.
- Fundamentals of Work and Organizational Psychology: Students are taught which factors from a psychological perspective must be taken into account for the prediction, description and explanation of human behavior and experience in the world of work in order to be able to make well-founded decisions about interventions in organizations or the design of work and to translate them into practical action.
- Here you can find a list of courses held in English.
In the compulsory elective area, the content from the applied subjects is then studied in greater depth. Here, one of the three areas must be chosen:
- Clinical psychology and psychotherapy
- Work and organizational psychology
- Educational psychology and digital media
A total of 180 credit points (LP) must be earned as part of the bachelor's degree program, which are distributed over 24 modules, including one or more internships, subject hours, and the bachelor's thesis. An overview of the distribution of the modules in the program can be found in the study plan.
The six-semester bachelor's program concludes with the degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Psychology. Following the bachelor's program, students can continue their studies in Osnabrück in the master's programs Master Psychology: Focus on Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy and Master Psychology: Focus on Intercultural Psychology.
In accordance with the licensing regulations for psychotherapists (Approbationsordnung für Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten), the bachelor's program qualifies students for a master's degree in clinical psychology and psychotherapy, which qualifies students for the licensing examination for psychotherapists as well as for other master's degree programs, provided that they complete the clinical electives and internships in accordance with the licensing regulations.