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Project management

Prof. Dr. rer.soc. Karsten Müller
Work and Organizational Psychology
Phone: +49 541 969-4701
Fax: +49 541 969-4700
Room: 15/231
Institute for Psychology
Seminarstrasse 20
49074 Osnabrück
Consultation hour: Thursday 12-12:30pm (by agreement)
Project coordination
For questions, suggestions and other issues relating to the intercultural mentoring program, please contact:

Thea Nieland, M. Sc.
Phone: +49 541 969-6225
Room: 15/233
Work and Organizational Psychology
Seminarstr. 20
49074 Osnabrück
Consultation hours: by agreement
Research Assistants
- B.Sc.-Psych. Lucia Ehrler (room 15/203, consultation hour by agreement)
- B.Sc.-Psych. Kim Terkuhlen (room 15/203, consultation hour by agreement)
- B.Sc.-Psych. Alena Zingler (room 15/203, consultation hour by agreement)
- Laura Stritzke (room 15/203, consultation hour by agreement)
The research assistants can be reached at: