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Cognitive Science students have the opportunity to get an insight into our current projects (e.g. "Together for tolerance - miteinander füreinander") and to actively participate in our team.
Your Tasks
Your tasks will depend on the current progress in the project assigned to you. For example, you can gain insight into the preparation and implementation of data collection, as well as into the statistical testing of empirical effects. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to gain first contact points with state-of-the-art methods of data collection (e.g. experience sampling) and data analysis (e.g. social network analysis).
Research Internships
If you are interested in being involved in our research for a longer period of time with more responsibility, we also offer research internships. Please talk to your supervisor about this during your lab rotation.
Duration and available dates
- 40 hours of collaboration in the research unit
- The hours extend over a flexible period of time
Contact persons
Julian ter Horst (Organization of Lab Rotation)
Summary of action points
- Check out Stud.IP Course 8.3017
- Request to Julian ter Horst
Contact now!